
The Tesla Cybertruck Attracts a Lot of Attention and It's Not Always a Good Thing

Tesla Cybertruck elicits road rage 9 photos
Photo: Wham Baam Teslacam via YouTube
Tesla Cybertruck elicits road rageTesla Cybertruck elicits road rageTesla Cybertruck elicits road rageTesla Cybertruck elicits road rageTesla Cybertruck elicits road rageTesla Cybertruck elicits road rageTesla Cybertruck elicits road rageTesla Cybertruck elicits road rage
Tesla Cybertruck is a polarizing vehicle, as many owners have discovered. While some were flattered by the attention they got, others were annoyed. This is especially true for those involved in road rage incidents for no reason other than driving a Cybertruck.
When Tesla announced the Cybertruck in 2019, everyone was surprised to see the unusual design. Many people found it hard to believe that Tesla would bring it into production without "toning down" the design a little bit. Others, on the other hand, considered Cybertruck's design a bold statement and praised Tesla for its audacity. Four years later, when the Cybertruck finally started deliveries, things hadn't changed one bit.

Early Cybertruck owners soon discovered that getting anywhere without attracting a crowd was impossible. People are curious to see, touch, and even sit in the Cybertruck. The attention they got was for many their chance to fame, so they were actually flattered. Tesla produced the first aspirational truck in the world, and they were among the few lucky ones that got it. I've read about quite a few people bragging on social media that they get more dates thanks to the Cybertruck.

However, not everyone wants to live their lives in the spotlight, and certainly, they didn't expect this to come with the Cybertruck. Being mobbed every time you stop the truck is not always pleasant. After they tried being polite when the first people showed their interest, they ended up avoiding social contact. Things have gone even worse for some Cybertruck owners, who testified that they really felt the hate. Most recently, a Cybertruck owner in Portland, Maine, told a local newspaper that he owns the most hated car in Maine.

Negative attention also led to acts of vandalism against the Cybertrucks. Owners also see more road rage from random people triggered by the Cybertruck appearance. A video shared on the Wham Baam Teslacam YouTube channel shows two hard-to-explain incidents involving people who just couldn't stand seeing a Cybertruck and just ignore it.

One of these incidents happened a while back when a BMW driver got mad that a Cybertruck moved past him. He then accelerated to catch up with him and tried to throw a bottle at the Cybertruck. The owner sped up, so the BMW driver just threw water from the bottle toward the Cybertruck. This was probably the result of FUD saying that the Cybertruck rusts.

In another, more serious incident, a motorcycle rider approached a Cybertruck from behind and punched the side mirror as he rode past it. Although it's unclear what triggered his action, some believe the lane-splitting rider was unhappy that the Cybertruck driver hadn't made room for him. The incident broke the Cybertruck's side mirror, which proved to be the bulletproof pickup's weak spot. No wonder people recommend removing side mirrors altogether.

The Cybertruck owner called the California Highway Patrol to report the incident. However, the Teslacam footage doesn't show the motorcycle's plate number, so the police could not identify the person responsible. Hopefully, somebody could offer relevant information now that the video has gone viral. Watch it below and provide your help if you recognize the rider.

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About the author: Cristian Agatie
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After his childhood dream of becoming a "tractor operator" didn't pan out, Cristian turned to journalism, first in print and later moving to online media. His top interests are electric vehicles and new energy solutions.
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