
Miami High School Prom Looks Every Inch a Car Show, Cybertruck Arrives With Police Escort

Students arrive in Tesla Cybertruck with mockup police escor 10 photos
Photo: myafrocaribbeanwedding | Instagram
Students arrive in Tesla Cybertruck with mockup police escorStudents arrive in Tesla Cybertruck with mockup police escorStudents arrive in Tesla Cybertruck with mockup police escorStudents arrive in Tesla Cybertruck with mockup police escorStudents arrive in Tesla Cybertruck with mockup police escorStudents arrive in Tesla Cybertruck with mockup police escorStudents arrive in Tesla Cybertruck with mockup police escorStudents arrive in Tesla Cybertruck with mockup police escorStudents arrive in Tesla Cybertruck with mockup police escor
Long gone are the days when dads used to drive their teenagers to the prom and pick them up hours later in the family car. This can't possibly work anymore. At least, not if you're at Northwestern High School in Miami. This year’s prom looked every inch a car show, sparking huge controversy on social media. "Because that's the norm here!" students explained their choices.
You only go to the graduation prom once, so you have to look your best and ride in the coolest car. And that will be caught on tape for you to show your grand-grandchildren in a gazillion years. But these young people will probably look at the video 20 years from now and exclaim: "Oh, how old and ugly that car was!"

One thing is for sure. Nobody does primes like Northwestern High School does. We won't judge the amount of money fortune spent by a family to make the teenager happy on the prom night. We won't even talk about the flashy glittering outfits that the young students went for because we are no fashion experts. Besides, if you don't dress to impress on the prom night, we can't possibly think of a better occasion to do it. We've all been there.

So we will just resort to cars. And we really have what to talk about because this prom looks every inch a car show. From Lamborghinis to Rolls-Royces, from G-Wagens to Bentleys, you name it, they got it on the night of the grand finale.

The 370 seniors all paraded in style and front of the Hilton Downtown four-star hotel in Miami, where the party took place. A video made by Northwestern alum and teacher Tyeshia Bryant took social media by storm, gathering millions of views and sparking controversies among those who either praised them for the effort or condemned their choices to spend so much money for a single evening.

For instance, senior class vice-president Algeria Thomas and her date Christien Webb on the prom night drove a BMW 5 Series to the venue. But that was probably one of the most low-profile vehicles that evening.

A couple showed up in a Mercedes-Maybach GLS with the E-Body Control activated, bouncing its way through the crowd. A Brabus-tuned Mercedes-Benz G-Class roared its way to the entrance of the hotel, while a 1960 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud II wowed everyone with its classy silhouette.

Speaking of silhouettes, the Tesla Cybertruck made quite an entrance at the prom. It was escorted by two mockup police motorcycles and cheerleaders. Most of the cars used on the night of the prom by the seniors were reportedly rented.

Northwestern High School opened back in 1955 and made quite an impact on the local community. Its list of alumni includes Congresswoman Frederica Wilson, Miami-Dade District 1 School Board Member Steve Gallon III and former NFL quarterback and current Northwestern football coach Teddy Bridgewater.

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