
The Seawolf X Catamaran Is the First of Its Kind, a Rossinavi Marvel

Seawolf X is the first hybrid-electric, AI-powered catamaran from Rossinavi 10 photos
Photo: Rossinavi (Composite)
Seawolf X is the first hybrid-electric, AI-powered catamaran from RossinaviSeawolf X is the first hybrid-electric, AI-powered catamaran from RossinaviSeawolf X is the first hybrid-electric, AI-powered catamaran from RossinaviSeawolf X is the first hybrid-electric, AI-powered catamaran from RossinaviSeawolf X is the first hybrid-electric, AI-powered catamaran from RossinaviSeawolf X is the first hybrid-electric, AI-powered catamaran from RossinaviSeawolf X is the first hybrid-electric, AI-powered catamaran from RossinaviSeawolf X is the first hybrid-electric, AI-powered catamaran from RossinaviSeawolf X is the first hybrid-electric, AI-powered catamaran from Rossinavi
Ushering a new era of luxurious sustainability, prestigious Italian shipyard Rossinavi has launched the first-of-its-kind hybrid-electric catamaran Seawolf X, first teased as a concept in 2021. If the future of luxury cruising is like this, hop onboard!
Seawolf X is part of the Sea Cat series introduced in 2022 and carries the BluE label that stands for the yard's commitment to more sustainable and ultimately net-zero sailing. This hybrid-electric all-aluminum cat is described as "a testament to the indomitable spirit of human ingenuity" and bridges the two main focuses of such a leisure craft, sustainability and luxury, with both being present in equal measure.

Measuring 43 meters (141 feet) in length and with an interior volume under 500GT, Seawolf X comes with hybrid-electric propulsion and the yard's patented AI, aptly called Rossinavi AI, which will further enhance the vessel's sustainability both while in operation and at anchor. Its supercar-like design and ample layout allow for the integration of premium amenities, including a couple of pools and at least three oversize socializing areas.

Seawolf X features a design by Fulvio De Simoni Yacht Design and interiors by Meyer Davis. Accommodation onboard is for as many as ten guests across five suites, including the owner's suite. Amenities will include a cockpit organized around a pool, a gorgeous sundeck, and another pool "hidden" at the bow, which becomes a private cinema at night.

Seawolf X is the first hybrid\-electric, AI\-powered catamaran from Rossinavi
Photo: Rossinavi
Interiors have yet to be revealed to the public, but the yard is thrilled to detail the technological innovations onboard. Rossinavi AI, for example, will observe, learn from, and predict guest behavior, making suggestions both to them and the crew on what might lessen the cat's environmental impact. Battery monitoring will also be handled by Rossinavi AI.

Seawolf X integrates solar panels in the upper structure, with large battery banks allowing it to sail with reduced or even zero impact. The cat has three cruising modes, with varying degrees of reliance on fossil fuels.

In "one-day trips" mode, the cat sails on electric power only all the time; "multi-day trips" mode allows it to cruise in electric mode for 90% of the time, while "transatlantic trips" mode is 80% cruising in electric mode.

Seawolf X is the first hybrid\-electric, AI\-powered catamaran from Rossinavi
Photo: Rossinavi
There's also a "hibernation mode" that kicks in when the cat drops anchor, reducing consumption and returning energy to a private property or the quay it's moored to. Seawolf X can also act as the most luxurious battery bank, supplying an entire villa with energy if need be.

Rossinavi underlines that Seawolf X boasts the BluE label inspired by the abilities of phytoplankton, which means it can store energy during the day and glow bioluminescent at night.

"This yacht showcases remarkable technological innovations in both power management and propulsion technologies, marking the beginning of a new chapter in next-generation vessels," Federico Rossi says in a statement. And it does that while looking absolutely stunning!

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About the author: Elena Gorgan
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Elena has been writing for a living since 2006 and, as a journalist, she has put her double major in English and Spanish to good use. She covers automotive and mobility topics like cars and bicycles, and she always knows the shows worth watching on Netflix and friends.
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