
Apple Announces New Apple Maps Update, It's Not What You Think, Though

Apple Maps getting new goodies in France 7 photos
Photo: Bogdan Popa/autoevolution/Apple
Apple Maps DCEApple Maps DCEApple Maps DCEApple Maps DCEApple Maps DCEApple Maps DCE
Many years ago, Apple embarked on an ambitious adventure of building a better version of Apple Maps that could compete against Google Maps on all fronts.
The detailed city experience spearheaded the new strategy, which included in-house maps (not provided by a third party), 3D models, improved navigation, and incident reporting. Apple has been working around the clock to improve the DCE availability, but the highly anticipated update is still available in limited regions.

This week, Apple announced a new update for Apple Maps, albeit this isn't the long-awaited expansion of the DCE.

Apple has prepared Apple Maps for the upcoming Summer Olympics in Paris with special goodies that'll help tourists and French users travel across the city more easily. The update includes real-time updates for public transportation in Paris, including the Paris metro, RER, Paris tramway, and RATP buses.

The real-time transit information includes detailed schedules, departure and arrival times updated in real-time, and line connections to make it easier to plan a journey to a location in Paris before leaving the hotel room. Furthermore, Apple says Apple Maps will also display outages and delays for the supported transit options in the city.

Apple improving Apple Maps is definitely good news for everybody, but the slow pace impacting the DCE availability keeps many users on Google Maps. The company released the last DCE update several months ago, and no information is available on where the new maps will become available next.

Apple Maps should theoretically receive more attention from the Cupertino-based tech giant following the demise of the Apple Car. Without a vehicle to spearhead its automotive expansion, the strategy revolves around Apple Maps and CarPlay.

This is one of the reasons why Apple is theoretically more committed to improve the experience behind the wheel, with Apple Maps also expected to receive a new major update in the fall with the release of iOS 18. Apple Maps got offline maps as part of the iOS 17 rollout, and the next update will include support for custom routes built on a computer.

Similar capabilities are already live in Google Maps, and users can plan their routes on a computer and send them to the mobile device via a Google account. Apple will use a similar approach for the upcoming feature, allowing users to configure routes on their MacBooks. A planned journey can be forwarded to Apple Maps on an iPhone and CarPlay using an Apple ID.

The iPhone maker will likely share more information about Apple Maps's future at WWDC in a few weeks. The developer event should also witness the release of the first iOS 18 beta, providing us with an early glimpse into the upcoming feature lineup.
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About the author: Bogdan Popa
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Bogdan keeps an eye on how technology is taking over the car world. His long-term goals are buying an 18-wheeler because he needs more space for his kid’s toys, and convincing Google and Apple that Android Auto and CarPlay deserve at least as much attention as their phones.
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