
This Iconic Tiny House Is Still One of the Greatest Off-Grid Vacation Homes on Wheels

The Boomer tiny was completed back in 2017 but it's still impressively modern and functional 24 photos
Photo: Build Tiny
Boomer Tiny HouseBoomer Tiny HouseBoomer Tiny HouseBoomer Tiny HouseBoomer Tiny HouseBoomer Tiny HouseBoomer Tiny HouseBoomer Tiny HouseBoomer Tiny HouseBoomer Tiny HouseBoomer Tiny HouseBoomer Tiny HouseBoomer Tiny HouseBoomer Tiny HouseBoomer Tiny HouseBoomer Tiny HouseBoomer Tiny HouseBoomer Tiny HouseBoomer Tiny HouseBoomer Tiny HouseBoomer Tiny HouseBoomer Tiny HouseBoomer Tiny House
It's hard to believe that this cozy tiny house was completed seven years ago; it still looks as innovative and modern as it did back then, and that's a testament to the unmatched creative prowess of this New Zealand-based builder. In fact, the Boomer was specifically designed to showcase what that newcomer in the tiny house market had to offer, and this pioneering build paved the road for all the other cool, quirky homes that followed.
In 2017, the tiny living phenomenon was still in its infancy in various parts of the world. In New Zealand, it would eventually grow to have massive success, as the concept of self-sufficient, fully mobile dwellings seemed to be a match made in heaven for the Kiwi natural landscapes, weather conditions, and lifestyle. That year, Build Tiny finalized what would become one of its most iconic projects. The Boomer was the company's first off-grid home on wheels, and it incorporated many of the features and design concepts that would later define the brand's philosophy.

One of the things shared by all Build Tiny projects is the ultra-compact, lightweight frame. The Boomer has just a little over seven meters length-wise (23.6 feet) and the standard 2.4 meters (7.8 feet) width. On the outside, it boasts the brand's signature Colorsteel exterior cladding known to ensure maximum durability. The Build Tiny homes don't focus on particularly stylish exteriors or unusual shapes; these are not the kind of dwellings that will stand out in a crowd; on the contrary, they seem a bit austere and overly simplistic. Yet, with this Kiwi brand, it's all about the interior design and maximizing functionality on the inside.

Boomer Tiny House
Photo: Build Tiny
Signature glass doors welcome Boomer's guests inside. The ground level boasts no more than 17 square meters (183 square feet) of floorspace, yet an ingenious layout made this much more functional than expected. There's no formal separation between the lounge and the kitchen, but the generous floorspace in between ensures a seamless flow, making it easy for the dwellers to reach all parts of the home. The sliding doors also help extend the home's social area to the exterior, which opens the space even more without actually adding square feet.

One thing we love about this iconic model is the wonderful airiness and indoor/outdoor flow that's so popular with today's high-end tiny homes. With strategically placed louver windows near the entry and large windows on two sides, this lounge is perfectly ventilated and immersed in nature. It has it all – views, sunlight, fresh air, and storage, which is remarkable for a compact home on wheels, especially at a time when there weren't many similar designs out there.

Another feature that has become hugely popular over the years is the comfortable breakfast bar with room for one or two seats. In this case, it's not a separate bar but simply an extended countertop with no cabinets under the end section so as to make room for a couple of bar stools. To this day, it's one of the smartest, easiest ways to add a comfy dining option to a very small kitchen.

Boomer Tiny House
Photo: Build Tiny
Adding a custom exterior deck is always a great idea, and it offers an additional dining spot for outdoors enthusiasts. With an added deck, the Boomer allows its owners to enjoy morning coffees and any meal of the day al-fresco, as well as summer BBQs with friends and family.

Smart storage is another signature Build Tiny trait. For a compact vacation house, the Boomer offers an impressive range of hidden storage solutions that could make even full-time residences blush. Drawers and cabinets of all types of shapes and sizes are carefully hidden behind the very practical push locks that add a modern touch. Another clever space-saving solution was to fit some of the appliances (the fridge/freezer and the washing machine) inside the staircase cabinets; this allows more room for cupboards and it also keeps the kitchen clutter-free.

The staircase not only provides considerable hidden storage for the kitchen area but is also a much more comfortable way to access the loft bedroom compared to a basic ladder. It always depends on the layout and the ultimate goals for that particular space. With Boomer, it was important to ramp up the comfort level because it was meant to operate as a rental unit on a couple's private property. A few years later, it was sold to another couple who still used it as a vacation home, only this time for private use.

Boomer Tiny House
Photo: Build Tiny
Comfort was also enhanced in the loft bedroom. Carpeted flooring, large windows on two sides, and a cozy double bed are essential features. Designing the room so that the bedhead was at the highest point of the roof was the game-changing hack that made it much more comfortable to spend time reading or watching TV. The double-sided solid protection wall added convenient storage on the inside of the room in the form of practical compartments for large bins – easy to reach and easy to manage.

Even Boomer's tiny bathroom came with some clever tricks. Most notably, a shower dome above the actual cabin for a more effective steam elimination. Coupled with a relatively large window, that helped keep the bathroom properly ventilated and as durable as possible. The composting toilet is part of the home's off-grid setup for solar power. The Boomer was designed and equipped to function independently and to relocate easily, which is essential for a vacation home meant for remote natural destinations.

Boomer Tiny House
Photo: Build Tiny
Style-wise, the Boomer tiny would also become an inspiration for other off-grid vacation homes to follow. The warm, neutral color palette with black accents and yellow pops of color was a beautiful way to highlight the layout's simplicity and cozy ambiance. Today, the gates of this popular Kiwi tiny house company are closed, but homes like the Boomer will live on.
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About the author: Otilia Drăgan
Otilia Drăgan profile photo

Otilia believes that if it’s eco, green, or groundbreaking, people should know about it (especially if it's got wheels or wings). Working in online media for over five years, she's gained a deeper perspective on how people everywhere can inspire each other.
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