
These Polish Campervans Are Designed by a Rally Car Racer and Are a Literal Home on Wheels

Voyager X 24 photos
Photo: Globe-Traveller
Voyager XVoyager XVoyager XVoyager XVoyager XVoyager XVoyager XVoyager XSVoyager XSVoyager XSVoyager XSVoyager XSVoyager XSVoyager XSVoyager XSVoyager ZVoyager ZVoyager ZVoyager ZVoyager ZVoyager ZVoyager ZVoyager Z
Campervans are some of the most sought-after RV styles currently on the market. Why? Let's just say that there are countless benefits to living out of such a unit, and one crew that's been making it their business to offer the most top-shelf Class B RV experience is none other than Globe-Traveller, a Polish manufacturer and brand started by rally car driver Sobiesław Zasada.
By now, I'm sure that the name Globe-Traveller may ring a bell or two, especially if we consider that we've covered this crew's work before, mainly their newest Falcon Series. As for the lineup in question today, It's all about a slightly older class of campers from this crew, but no less notable in terms of lifestyle and creature comforts.

As mentioned, Globe-Traveller was born in the mind of a rally car driver, and spending time on the road is the name of the game for those kinds of people. So, you can understand why the Voyager Series looks the way it does; it has to be a downright home with all the features necessary for long-term on-road living.

Now, under the Voyager class, there are three models, yet it's the Voyager X that steals the spotlight as the largest of the lineup; we can use it as a sort of flagship to define the family, and oh, what a family of RVs this one is.

Voyager Z
Photo: Globe-Traveller
Everything starts off with a Peugeot chassis with your choice of power, up to 180 hp, and rocking a Euro 6 diesel engine. It's also 636 cm (250 in) long and 206 cm (81 in) wide, so it's a biggie, and it has to be; it's a home away from home. It also rolls in with a maximum permissible mass of up to 3,820 kg (8,422 lbs), which may be a tad over the limit for certain driver's licenses. So it's best to keep that number at or under 3,500 kg (7,716 lbs).

As we move forward with the Falcon X, we arrive at that signature shell, high-roof intended. Actually, that raised roof is the main reason why the interior of this series looks the way it does; I've added images of the other units in this family to compare and contrast. Then an insulated double-floor is added, meaning year-round usage, and "innovative" garage doors crafted from composite walls, meaning there's a clear intention to keep things as light as possible.

But it's the interior of these babies that got my heart racing, so let's ditch the how it's made and just focus on how we'll live. For that, let's park our unit on the edge of some vineyard or the base of a ski resort and fire up the proverbial ovens. Come to think of it, the galley is a great place to start our tour.

Voyager X
Photo: Globe-Traveller
To access this space, we'll slide open the side door or simply swivel the passenger and driver seat around and just stroll into your living room like nothing happened; one of the benefits of an RV like this one. Once you do, you'll find yourself right in front of a galley block with flush countertop, sink and faucet, and fridge right across from that. Ovens and all that lay hidden in the cabinetry we see, but they're there.

After cooking our meals, we'll head back toward the cab and take a seat at the dinette; yup, it's just a regular old dinette, not! One of the neat tricks of the Voyager series is a drop-down bed that lies hidden above this area and is accessible only when and if you need it. With this creature comfort, you can travel as a couple and use the hideaway bed as a storage space or take a family trip.

Heading toward the rear, your steps will be guided by a wonderful use of LEDs at the ground, eye level, and even higher, above the cabinetry, and once we pass the galley, you'll find yourself in the presence of a neat bedding space that covers nearly two-thirds of the unit's width. Two guests can have a place to sleep here.

Voyager X
Photo: Globe-Traveller
Now, what if I told you that Globe-Traveller even managed to include a full wet bath in the Voyager? Would you go out and buy one? Would you give this manufacturer a call for a bespoke unit - they do that - or would you just let it be another dream? Honestly, if I ever had the cash for a camper van, Globe-Traveller would be one of the first crews I call. Heck, I wouldn't mind being the fifth person aboard this baby and even sleeping on the toilet every now and again if there was no room for me anywhere else. Meh, the floor and a sleeping bag will do just fine.

But how much can we expect to pay for one of these babies? Well, the manufacturer makes no clear mention, but I tracked down some dealerships, and Z models - I found no X models for sale - are going for around €100K ($108K at current exchange rates) or more, depending on the features in place. Considering that X is the largest of the bunch, expect to pay a bit more; my estimates say around €15K to €20K more.

Once you start adding a few extras to really make it yours, a Voyager may cost you as much as some apartments, but the tradeoff is precisely that, a little studio apartment with wheels. Throw on some solar panels and never pay for electricity again.
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About the author: Cristian Curmei
Cristian Curmei profile photo

A bit of a nomad at heart (being born in Europe and raised in several places in the USA), Cristian is enamored with travel trailers, campers and bikes. He also tests and writes about urban means of transportation like scooters, mopeds and e-bikes (when he's not busy hosting our video stories and guides).
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