
Riding Never Stops With Vanpowers: An Inspiring Story Starring the UrbanGlide Pro e-Bike

Jim Wilkes rides the Vanpowers UrbanGlide Pro 20 photos
Photo: Vanpowers
Jim Wilkes rides the Vanpowers UrbanGlide ProJim Wilkes rides the Vanpowers UrbanGlide ProJim Wilkes rides the Vanpowers UrbanGlide ProJim Wilkes rides the Vanpowers UrbanGlide ProJim Wilkes rides the Vanpowers UrbanGlide ProJim Wilkes rides the Vanpowers UrbanGlide ProJim Wilkes rides the Vanpowers UrbanGlide ProJim Wilkes rides the Vanpowers UrbanGlide ProJim Wilkes rides the Vanpowers UrbanGlide ProJim Wilkes rides the Vanpowers UrbanGlide ProJim Wilkes rides the Vanpowers UrbanGlide ProJim Wilkes rides the Vanpowers UrbanGlide ProJim Wilkes rides the Vanpowers UrbanGlide ProJim Wilkes rides the Vanpowers UrbanGlide ProJim Wilkes rides the Vanpowers UrbanGlide ProJim Wilkes rides the Vanpowers UrbanGlide ProJim Wilkes rides the Vanpowers UrbanGlide ProJim Wilkes rides the Vanpowers UrbanGlide ProJim Wilkes rides the Vanpowers UrbanGlide Pro
In a world where influencers get to influence the purchase decisions of millions, even though their only credential is a huge following, people like Jim Wilkes are like a breath of fresh air. Jim's story as an above-the-knee amputee is a touching and inspiring one of determination and hard work, and it features a very special guest.
That guest is Vanpowers, just one of the many e-bike companies catering to the upper mid-level segment of the market. Vanpowers has been around for enough time to build credibility and a reputation, with customers both in the U.S. and Europe agreeing that their machines are good value for money, combined with good quality work and plenty of focus on performance.

The video below, released late this week by Vanpowers, shines the spotlight on all these, while also bringing Jim's inspirational story to the larger public. And yes, we know that it's still marketing, but it's the kind of marketing that can't possibly not strike a chord even with the blackest of black hearts.

Jim Wilkes, who currently serves as lead activist of the Amputee Coalition, is a man who has been active all his life, so when he had to undergo no less than nine surgeries in under two years after a severe accident so doctors could try and save his knee, he was determined to get back to his number one love, cycling.

Jim Wilkes rides the Vanpowers UrbanGlide Pro
Photo: Vanpowers
Doctors weren't able to save the knee, and eventually, after five more failed interventions, they decided to remove the limb above the knee.

But there's a happy ending to the story, because Jim didn't just get back up in the saddle but he's been riding ever since, showing the world and other people in similar situations that everything is possible if you work hard for it. And if you have the right help, which is where Vanpowers comes in for Jim.

The UrbanGlide Pro

The UrbanGlide series of e-bikes from Vanpowers is designed exclusively for urban mobility, bringing "Amsterdam styling" to the city commute. The series includes three different models, specced and priced differently: the Standard, whose name is self-explanatory, the Pro that aims to deliver the smoothest and most intuitive ride, and the Ultra, which is the top of its class.

Jim Wilkes rides the Vanpowers UrbanGlide Pro
Photo: Vanpowers
The Pro, which Jim rides in the video below (in the most cheerful Remy Green color), comes with a 690Wh UL-certified battery with LG cells, good for an estimated 70 miles (113 km) of per-charge range. That battery powers a mid-hub 500W high-speed brushless motor that peaks at 95Nm and is guaranteed to provide instant, smooth, and always-reliable assistance. It also maxes out at 20 mph (32 kph) for U.S. territories.

Because it's meant as a city bike, where riding pace is both faster and more unpredictable, the UrbanGlide Pro is equipped with a torque sensor, so you get instant motor assistance that's vital at dead starts and hydraulic disc brakes for reliable stopping power.

A Microshift RD-M26L 8-speed transmission means you get to make the most of your rides, whichever way you like to ride and regardless of the terrain you cross. The features list also includes front and seat suspension, a rear rack, lights, display, app connectivity, and a kickstand as standard, so the bike will tip the scales at 70.55 lbs (32 kg).

Jim Wilkes rides the Vanpowers UrbanGlide Pro
Photo: Vanpowers

Jim's love for cycling lives on with help from Vanpowers

As noted above, Jim has always led an active life, so it must have come as a huge shock to hear that there would be things he should expect not to do anymore once he's had his first knee surgery. However, his is not a cautionary tale but the kind that might inspire others facing similar obstacles because he worked hard and pushed himself, not so much to prove his doctors wrong but to keep doing what he loved.

Jim's outdoor activities would put even a non-amputee's routine to shame: scuba diving, motorcycle riding, cycling daily, and mountain biking to over 9,000 feet (2,743 meters) of elevation. His guiding principle in life is inspired by football coach Vince Lombardi's quote, "The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will."

Jim Wilkes rides the Vanpowers UrbanGlide Pro
Photo: Vanpowers
With a smile on his face, Jim says he loves being able to rely on the two-wheeler from Vanpowers. The Pro allows him to move freely about his small California town that's all rolling hills, to enjoy his outings with whatever degree of effort he feels like putting in, and to show people that amputation or any type of limb damage is not in any way limiting – and certainly won't prohibit cycling, if that's what you want.

Beyond this being a pairing made in marketing heaven for Vanpowers, this short docu-style video below shows just one of the many advantages of e-bikes: inclusivity.

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About the author: Elena Gorgan
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Elena has been writing for a living since 2006 and, as a journalist, she has put her double major in English and Spanish to good use. She covers automotive and mobility topics like cars and bicycles, and she always knows the shows worth watching on Netflix and friends.
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