
Stories about: wiring

Toyota's Soy-Based Electric Wiring Attracts Rodents, and Also a Lawsuit
Toyota's Soy-Based Electric Wiring Attracts Rodents, and Also a Lawsuit

20 Dec 2016, 17:40 UTC · By: Vlad Mitrache / Toyota was a little too creative when it came to finding an eco-friendly material for the wiring in its cars and chose soy. Rodents approved

Rats Like to Eat the Chevrolet Volt
Rats Like to Eat the Chevrolet Volt

10 Feb 2011, 06:43 UTC · By: Daniel Patrascu / And why shouldn't they? On the outside, the Volt looks pretty much like any other car, but on the inside, well, on the inside, the Volt is much more welcoming than any other car. Let's see...