
Gold Plated Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano Roars on the Streets of London

For some people who probably have enough money to feed a small third world country, owning “just” a Ferrari isn’t enough. It seems that for them terms like, extravagant, exquisite, outstanding and out of the ordinary have totally different connotations than they do for most people.

We say that because when we think we have seen it all there is always something or someone who manages to prove us wrong. As a matter of fact, so wrong that we came to question ourselves if parallel realities do really exist, given the fact that some people are truly “unreally” wealthy. The “thing” that caught our attention was a 599 Fiorano GTB Gold Plated. This pimped out 599 Ferrari GTB Fiorano by Hamann is well known on the streets of Dubai, as belonging to the young son of a wealthy dignitary so far, as related by

Maybe if we are to rub on its hood, a magic genie will appear. It could be possible! But back to our reality, the car vas spotted on the British capital. Taking a powerful beast like this 673hp Ferrari to the crowded streets of London might not be the most inspired thing to do especially when it is gold plated.

The shiny car has been frequently spotted around the Jumierah Hotel in Knightsbridge, London, being accompanied by a white Rolls Royce Mansory Bel Air Phantom DropHead Coupe which has a base price as long as its name. So we came to question ourselves… does the owner takes the car to a regular car wash or to a jeweler for a wax.

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