
My Newspaper  

The list of brands you are currently following is saved in your browser by means of a cookie.

The code below is a short-form representation of that list and allows you to restore the list easily in case the browser cookie is lost, which can happen if you change computers, clear the browser cache, start using a different browser or want to access your newspaper from a smartphone.

Make sure you save this code in a safe, handy location.

   read newspaper
      add brands to list
      clear list

    Here's a few newspaper ideas to get you started...

    Supercars AEBqWAfz1M3NvZz5rE
    SUVs AEORv1QzmA15
    Premium AEpvQoAz111QjjzpdUa
    Sportscars AE102QiWz1HiRUlz64Z
    Luxury AE1phEts